2021 Michigan State University


Michigan State University

The scholarships we award each year are made possible because of the generosity of our fund donors and their commitment to education. Our donors are individuals, families, civic groups and businesses who believe in the value of education. To them we extend our deepest appreciation as they make the dream of higher education a reality for so many individuals. 


Congratulations to the 2021 Saginaw Community Foundation Excellence in Education Scholarship Recipients from Michigan State University.



Frank N. Andersen Memorial Scholarship


Jarrod Griffus Taylor Ryle



Nels Andersen Scholarship


Nytalia Flores



Pama Brantley-Phillips Scholarship


Ashley Kopec



Michael R. Gall Memorial Scholarship


Rylee Wobio



Frank and Jean Harris Scholarship


Olivia Heath



Hebert Memorial Scholarship


Cecilia Menchaca Arieana Hernandez



James P. Konieczka Memorial Scholarship


Kevin Hayes



Judge Gary R. McDonald Memorial Scholarship


Kevin Hayes



Margaret L. Palmer Scholarship


Nytalia Flores



Jerrold E. Potts Scholarship


Kylie Schmitt



Saginaw Community Foundation-Collaborative Scholarship


Mallory Brooks Gabrielle Faulk Nytalia Flores Madelyne Fowler Olivia Heath


Te’Andre Henderson Kylie Schmitt Madelyn Snider



Saginaw County Lawyers’ Auxiliary Scholarship


Kevin Hayes Madelyn Snider



Saginaw Promise Zone Scholarship


Nytalia Flores Olivia Heath Te’Andre Henderson



Albert Smith Conservation Scholarship


Jarrod Griffus



Robert E. and Martin H. Stark Scholarship


Te’Andre Henderson



United Advisory – Donald R. McGee Memorial Scholarship


Morgan Gates



United Advisory – Fred R. Strutz Family Memorial Scholarship


Jarrod Griffus



Thomas J. and Barbara J. Weadock Scholarship


Katie Lazarz



Marlin N. & Bertha H. Wilson Memorial Scholarship


Emily Bojo Morgan Gates Jarrod Griffus Olivia Heath



Women of Colors Scholarship


Mallory Brooks


